Know Where Motivation Comes From
Know Where Motivation Comes From
Leadership is the art of getting someone else to do something you
want done because he wants to do it.
—Dwight D. Eisenhower
There was a manager who came early to a seminar we
were presenting on leadership. He was attired in an olive
green polo shirt and white pleated slacks, ready for a day
of golf.
He walked to the front of the room and said, “Look,
your session is not mandatory, so I’m not planning on
“That’s fine, but I wonder why you came early to this
session to tell us that. There must be something that you’d
like to know.”
“Well, yes, there is,” the manager confessed. “All I
want to know is how to get my people on the sales team to
improve. How do I manage them?”
“Is that all you want to know?”
“Yes, that’s it,” declared the manager.
“Well, we can save you a lot of time and make sure
that you get to your golf game on time.”
The manager leaned forward, waiting for the words of
wisdom that he could extract about how to manage his
And we told him:
“You can’t.”
20 / 100 Ways to Motivate Others
“You can’t manage anyone. So there, you can go and
have a great game.”
“What are you saying?” asked the manager. “I thought
you give whole seminars on motivating others. What do
you mean, I can’t?”
“We do give whole seminars on this topic. But one of
the first things we teach managers is that they can’t really
directly control their people. Motivation always comes from
within your employee, not from you.”
“So what is it you do teach?”
“We teach you how to get people to motivate them-
selves. That is the key. And you do that by managing agree-
ments, not people. And that is what we are going to discuss
this morning.”
The manager put his car keys in his pocket and sat
down in the first seat closest to the front of the room for
the rest of the seminar. He has spent his whole life trying
to manage the behavior and emotions of other people, at
home as well as at work. Therefore, his life was full of
stress and disappointment. We were going to show him
that motivation comes from the inside, not the outside.
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